N:o 1103 |
Maanantai 2010-02-15 |
Ilmoita ilmaiseksi sivu! |
Friday February 12 2010 - guardian.co.uk,
Saturday February 13 2010 - guardian.co.uk,
Sunday February 14 2010 - The
Observer, Sunday February 14 2010 - guardian.co.uk,
Monday February 15 2010 Allied forces
in Helmand begin biggest push of Afghanistan war World news Afghanistan British
soldier killed in assault on key Taliban stronghold World news Afghanistan Allied forces
mount assault on Taliban in biggest push of Afghanistan war UK news Afghanistan British
soldier killed on foot patrol in Afghanistan World news Afghanistan Nato rockets
kill 12 Afghan civilians World news Afghanistan Coalition
troops force Taliban retreat from key stronghold Comment is free Another
hyped-up push in Afghanistan World news Afghanistan Operation
Moshtarak in Marjah, Afghanistan News World news Afghanistan A Nato airstrike against suspected insurgents has killed five civilians in Kandahar province in southern Afghanistan. A Nato statement said a joint patrol of Nato and Afghan troops saw individuals digging along a path in the Zhari district of Kandahar province today and mistakenly concluded that they were planting an improvised explosive device. Two civilians were also wounded in the strike. The incident follows the deaths yesterday of 12 Afghan civilians, who were killed by two stray Nato rockets in neighbouring Helmand province. Major General Michael Regner, Isaf's joint command deputy chief of staff for joint operations, said: "We regret this tragic accident and offer our sympathies to the families of those killed and injured. "Our combined forces take every precaution to minimise civilian casualties, and we will investigate this incident to determine how this happened." Earlier today, the head of Britain's armed forces admitted that the killing of 12 Afghan civilians yesterday was "a very serious setback" to military operations against the Taliban. Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup said the incident had damaged efforts to win the support of local communities, but added that accidents were inevitable during conflict. The civilians died when two rockets from a high mobility artillery rocket system hit a house on the outskirts of the town of Marjah, in an area of Helmand province being targeted by a joint US and Afghan force. Stirrup, the chief of the defence staff, said: "It is a very serious setback. It is not one which can't be overcome and of course the Afghans themselves, the local government, play a key role in this and they have already swung into action in that regard. But we are there to provide security for the population." He told the BBC Today programme: "This operation … is not about battling the Taliban, it is about protecting the local population, and you don't protect them when you kill them. It is always damaging, but of course in any conflict situation accidents happen and we must remember that most of the civilian casualties are not caused by Isaf [the international security assistance force] – they are caused by the Taliban." He said it was crucial that people "perceive the Afghan national security forces as protecting them, as providing them with security, and therefore we have to do all we can to eliminate civilian casualties". The defence minister, Bill Rammell, expressed regret over the incident, as did the Nato commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, who has suspended use of the missile system involved in the mistake. Speaking on GMTV, Rammell said: "I regret the loss of a British soldier but also the loss of civilian lives. This incident involved American troops. General McChrystal has rightly suspended the use of this particular rocket system pending an investigation, because we are determined to do everything possible to avoid civilian casualties to win the hearts and minds of the local population." The Afghan interior minister, Mohammad Atmar, said nine civilians and two or three insurgents were among those killed, suggesting insurgents may have been firing at troops from a civilian compound. "The reality is this ... the enemy did capture some civilians in their house and they were firing at our forces from this house. Unfortunately our forces didn't know that civilians were living in that house," he said at a press conference at Lashkar Gah. Snipers have been holding up attempts to clear the town of Taliban fighters, the US marines said. The civilian deaths in the last 24 hours have overshadowed reports of early successes against the Taliban in Operation Moshtarak – the biggest offensive undertaken by western and Afghan forces in the nine-year war. The operation involves 15,000 troops, mostly US, British and Afghan. The first US marines arrived in Marjah – a major hub of insurgents and drug smugglers – by helicopter before dawn on Saturday morning, while British forces are sweeping through Nad Ali. One British soldier has been killed in the operation. He was named as Lance Sergeant Dave Greenhalgh, 25, from the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards. Taliban fighters – estimated at between 400 and 1,000 – have heavily mined the area. The operation's US commander, Brigadier General Larry Nicholson, predicted it could take 30 days to clear out all militants and explosives, but said he was "cautiously optimistic" the job could be completed sooner. Nato heavily telegraphed its intention to invade Marjah and Nad Ali, hoping to minimise civilian casualties. The civilian deaths added to tensions with the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, who ordered an immediate investigation. High rates of casualties help Taliban recruitment in war-torn areas and stir public anger that has eroded support for the fragile Afghan government. A British soldier from 36 Engineer Regiment died this afternoon as a result of an explosion in Helmand province, the MoD said. Next of kin have been informed. Two more British soldiers also died yesterday. One, from 2nd battalion the Duke of Lancaster's regiment, was shot in a gun battle in the Musa Qala area of southern Afghanistan, and the other, from 6 Rifles, serving as part of 3 Rifles Battle Group, died in an explosion while on foot patrol to the north-east of Sangin. The deaths were unconnected with Operation Moshtarak. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/feb/15/afghanistan-civilian-deaths-nato-taliban |
Jyrki Katainen: "Afganistanin murheet ovat Suomen huolia". Lue! |
Bombennacht von Afghanistan. Wie viele Zivilisten
mussten wirklich sterben?
BILD BUNDESAUSGABE 8. SEPTEMBER 2009 - Kuinka monen siviilin täytyy todella kuolla? Bild |
Merkel verteidigt unsere Soldaten in Afghanistan 14.09.2009 - 13:32 UHR | |
Bombennacht von Afghanistan. Wie viele Zivilisten
mussten wirklich sterben?
BILD BUNDESAUSGABE 8. SEPTEMBER 2009 - Kuinka monen siviilin täytyy todella kuolla? Kuva Pertti Manninen 2009-09-14. |
14.09.2009 - 13:32 UHR Regierungserklärung zu Afghanistan Merkel verteidigt unsere Soldaten in Afghanistan „Sie riskieren ihr Leben, dafür haben wir Ihnen zu danken“ – Kritik an Vorverurteilung ++ Nato bestätigt zivile Opfer "WIR TRAUERN UM OPFER" MERKEL VERTEIDIGT SOLDATEN IN AFGHANISTAN (DAS VIDEO) Parlamentarische
Sternstunde heute im Bundestag. „Der Afghanistan-Einsatz ist unsere Reaktion auf den Terror. Er ist von dort gekommen – und nicht umgekehrt! Afghanistan ist die Brutstätte des Terrors“, so Merkel. Und die Kanzlerin brach eine Lanze für die Bundeswehr: „Unsere Soldaten riskieren ihr Leben, dafür haben wir ihnen zu danken.“ Hintergrund: In den vergangenen Tagen hatte es Wirbel und internationale Kritik an der Bombardierung von Taliban-Kämpfern gegeben. Der Einsatz, bei dem es auch zivile Opfer gab, war auf deutschen Befehl erfolgt. Die genauen Umstände sind noch nicht geklärt. Im Bundestag versprach Merkel die lückenlose Aufklärung des Falles. Zugleich wies sie die Kritik an dem Einsatz vehement zurück. „Ich verbitte mir jede Vorverurteilung – und zwar von wem auch immer, im Inland wie im Ausland.“ Die Kanzlerin sprach den Afghanen ihr Mitgefühl aus: „Ich bedauere zutiefst. Jeder zu Tode gekommene Mensch ist einer zu viel.“ Merkel ließ keinen Zweifel daran, dass der Afghanistan-Einsatz mittlerweile zur Chefsache geworden ist. Sie machte sich in dem Zusammenhang für einen Krisen-Gipfel stark. Im Rahmen der Uno müsse nach einer neuen Strategie gesucht werden. Sie schlug einen Fünf-Jahres-Plan vor, nach dem sich die internationalen Truppen nach und nach zurückziehen. Ähnlich äußerte sich Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD). „Die Bundeswehr ist keine Besatzungsmacht. Wir sind nicht für die Ewigkeit in Afghanistan“, sagte er im Bundestag. Auch der SPD-Kanzlerkandidat verbat sich jede Vorverurteilung aus dem Ausland. Zugleich verwies er auf die neue Dimension des Falles. „Das war nicht irgendein bedauerlicher Zwischenfall. Wir dürfen jetzt nicht einfach zur Tagesordnung übergehen“, so Steinmeier. Er äußerte Verständnis dafür, dass es eine neue öffentliche Debatte über den Einsatz gibt. Dass es möglicherweise etliche zivile Opfer bei der Bombardierung der Taliban gegeben habe, werfe „ein neues Schlaglicht auf den Afghanistan-Einsatz“. Inzwischen hat die Nato offiziell bestätigt, dass es zivile Opfer gegeben hat. In einer am Dienstag in Kabul veröffentlichten Erklärung der Nato-Truppe Isaf heißt es, erste Untersuchungen ließen die Isaf davon ausgehen, „dass Aufständische, aber auch Zivilisten durch den Luftangriff getötet und verletzt wurden“. Die Nato untersuche den Vorfall derzeit gründlich, um die genaue Zahl der zivilen Opfer feststellen zu können. Rückblick:
In der Nacht zum vergangenen Freitag entführen Taliban-Kämpfer
sechs Kilometer südlich von Kunduz zwei voll beladene Tanklastzüge.
Ein US-Spezialflugzeug hat die Lkw im Visier. Die Bundeswehr fordert
Unterstützung aus der Luft an. Zuerst trifft ein amerikanischer
B-1-Bomber ein, dessen Besatzung die beiden entführten Tanklastwagen
und Dutzende Personen in deren Umgebung sieht. Die B-1 muss wegen Treibstoffmangels
zu ihrem Stützpunkt zurückkehren. Etwa 20 Minuten später
treffen zwei US-Kampfflugzeuge des Typs F-15 E ein, deren Besatzungen
Videoaufnahmen zum deutschen Stützpunkt funken. Etwa eine halbe
Stunde nach der Ankunft der beiden F-15-Maschinen werden die Bomben
auf die Tanklastzüge abgeworfen. DEUTSCHLANDS
59808 ENDET: 04.09.2010 ABSTIMMEN |
Jyrki Katainen: "Afganistanin murheet ovat Suomen huolia". Keskisuomalainen keskiviikkona 2009-08-26. |
lehdet: Keskisuomalainen keskiviikkona 2009-08-26. TURKU
Ossi Rajala. "Afganistanin
murheet ovat Suomen huolia". Katainen varoittaa suruviestien riskin
kasvaneen. "Kokoomuksen puheenjohtajan Jyrki Kataisen mukaan Suomen on edelleen pysyttävä mukana Afganistanin operaatiossa, koska islamilainen tasavalta on edelleen sekasortoisessa tilassa. - Afganistanissa käydään tärkeätä kamppailua terrorismia vastaan. Olemme operaatiossa mukana omien turvallisuusintressien takia ja meillä on halua auttaa Afganistanin kansaa, hän totesi tiistaina kokoomuksen eduskuntaryhmän kokouksessa Turussa. - Katainen toivoo eduskunnan puivan operaatioita syksyllä. Hän ymmärtää, että riskien kasvaessa myös paineet maasta lähtemistä kohtaan kasvavat. - Niiden, jotka haluavat Suomen vetäytyvän pois, olisi syytä miettiä, haluavatko he koko kansainvälisen yhteisön lähtevän Afganistanista. Tähänkin kysymykseen on oltava valmis sanomaan kyllä, jos operaatiosta luovutaan. Kokoomusjohtaja totesi Isaf-joukkoja koskevien päätösten olevan jatkossakin vaikeita, Vaativan operaation vaarat ovat lisääntyneet, joten Katainen varoittaa mahdollisista uusista suruviesteistä. - Osallistumista operaatioon tullaan tarkastelemaan vuosittain. Riskit on tiedostettava, Suruviestien aiheutumista tietenkin vältetään, mutta niitä voi silti tulla. Olemme toistaiseksi olleet melko onnekkaita." "Jyrki Katainen puolusti suomalaisten rauhanturvaajien läsnäoloa Afganistanissa tiistaina Turussa. Mikko Stig/Lehtikuva. Keskisuomalainen keskiviikkona 2009-08-26. Kuva: Pertti Manninen tiistaina 2009-08-26. |
Monday 14 September 2009 US puts Europeans on alert to provide more troops for Afghan campaign Nato sources says Britain, France, Germany and Italy have capacity to send reinforcements http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/14/nato-army-afghanistan Bin Laden message appears online Recording attributed to al-Qaida leader warns Barack Obama he is 'powerless' to win Afghan war on his own terms http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/14/osama-bin-laden-message-barack-obama-america Analysis Osama bin Laden: in it for the long haul Al-Qaida leader vows to continue 'war of attrition' amid signs of crisis of recruitment and morale http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/14/osama-bin-laden-long-haul US could shift Afghanistan focus towards eastern provinces Senior military officials said to believe Taliban's ability to find sanctuary across border with Pakistan has made move essential http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/13/us-military-policy-afghanistan British soldier killed in Afghanistan Shooting during foot patrol takes to 214 the number of UK troops killed since invasion http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/sep/14/afghanistan-british-soldier-killed-dragoons |
Afganistan heinäkuun lopusta syyskuun alkuun 2009 ja linkkejä aikaisempiin. Lue!
Bild Kommentar von Georg Gafron: Mut zur Wahrheit BILD BUNDESAUSGABE 23 JULI 2009. "Die Bundeswehr ist mit ihren Verbündeten im Krieg!" "Die Soldaten haben es verdient, dass das zu Hause auch so benannt wird." http://www.nettisanomat.com/2009/07/27/etusivu.htm |
Bundeswehr-Offensive soll die Terroristen bei Kunduz vertreiben. 300 deutsche Soldaten jagen die Taliban. | |
Kommentar von Georg Gafron: Mut
zur Wahrheit BILD BUNDESAUSGABE 23 JULI 2009. Deutsche Soldaten stehen in Afghanistan in schweren Gefechten. Panzer, Mörser und Infanteristen sind im Einsatz. Das sind eindeutig kriegerische Handlungen. Die Verbündeten nennen das auch so. Nur hier in Deutschland spricht man immer noch, so Verteidigungsminister Jung, von stabilisierenden Einsätzen. Könnte es sein, dass die Realität in Afghanistan die beschönigende Wortwahl unserer Politiker einholt? Jetzt sollte die Stunde der Wahrheit sein. Afghanistan darf nicht wieder unter Taliban-Herrschaft gelangen. Es darf nie wieder zum Ausbildungsort von islamistischen Terroristen werden, die den Rest der Welt mit Leid und Unglück überziehen. Peter Struck – Ex-SPD-Verteidigungsminister und heute Fraktionsvorsitzender seiner Partei im Bundestag – sagte: „Deutschlands Sicherheit wird auch am Hindukusch verteidigt.“ Er hat noch immer recht. Die Bundeswehr ist mit ihren Verbündeten im Krieg! Die Soldaten haben es verdient, dass das zu Hause auch so benannt wird. http://www.bild.de/BILD/news/standards/ kommentar/2009/07/23/kommentar.html |
uskallus, rohkeus, urheus, urhoollisuus totuuteen, tosiasioihin. http://www.nettisanomat.com/2009/07/27/etusivu.htm |
Afganistaniin. Pääkirjoitus keskiviikkona 2009-07-29 klo 12:09. hs24. Pertti Manninen Suomi on taas ajopuuna joutunut sotaan, Afganistaniin. Hallituksen pääministeri on Matti Vanhanen, ulkoministeri Alexander Stubb ja Puolustusministeri Jyri Häkämies. Tasavallan presidentti on Tarja Halonen. Vanhanen ja Halonen ovat lomalla eivätkä lausu mitään. Nämä Naton juoksupojat Stubb ja Häkämies selittelevät. Suomen
pitää noudattaa omia lakejaan on sitten operaatioilla Naton
tai YK:n hyväksyntä. Tästähän tässä
viime kädessä on kysymys, vai onko aivan tarkoituksella ajauduttu
tähän tilanteeseen. Johtajat leikkivät siis suomalaisten
miesten hengillä ja sallivat ”vihollisten” tappamisen
niin kuin suomalaisten joukkojen komentaja asian ilmaisi. Suomen päättäjät olivat häpeällisesti hiljaa ja toivoivat, että keskustelua Suomen mukana olosta sodassa tai sodanosapuolena ei tarvitsisi käydä. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin tutkija Charly Salonius-Pasternak kuitenkin kirjoitti asiasta Helsingin Sanomissa (linkki) viime perjantaina 2009-07-24, siis seuraavana päivänä, jolloin vastaava Georg Gafronin Bildissä julkaistu saksalaiskirjoitus ilmestyi (hs24-2008-07-27). Tämän jälkeen ei enää voitu vaieta. Mandaatti Afganistaniin. Pääkirjoitus keskiviikkona 2009-07-29 klo 12:09. hs24. Pertti Manninen. Lue
myös mm. seuraavat satunnaisesti poimitut! hs24
torstaina 07.10.2004. Helsingin
Sanomat. Kotimaa. Vallan liikkeet. Mari Manninen lauantaina 07.05.2005. Extra!
hs24 maanantaina 09.01.2006. hs24
sunnuntaina 20.08.2006. Virheelliset päivämäärät
ja viittaukset korjattu torstaina 24.08.2006. Aamulehti
Maanantai 28.elokuuta 2006. Etusivulla. Aamulehti.
Kotimaa. Maanantai 28.elokuuta 2006 UUSIMMAT: Bild Kommentar
von Georg Gafron: Helsingin
Sanomat Vieraskynä |
Millä asialla kenen toiveesta? Nettisanomien arkisto: "Ulkoministeriön
avointen ovien päivät jatkuvat. Nyt Iltalehti on saanut käsiinsä
kopion ulkoministeriön salaiseksi leimatusta muistiosta, jossa
Suomen Washingtonin suurlähetystön diplomaatti selostaa keskusteluaan
Yhdysvaltain apulaispuolustusministerin sijaisen Ian Brzezinskin
kanssa. Maaliskuun 1. päivänä Helsinkiin saapunut salasanoma
on otsikoitu: "Yhdysvallat ja Eurooppa; Apulaispuolustusministerin
sijainen Ian Brzezinskin näkemyksiä". Muistion kiintoisin
kohta on sen loppupuolella, jossa kuvataan Suomen ja Yhdysvaltain kahdenvälisiä
sotilasuhteita "erittäin hyviksi". Sitten muistio jatkuu:
"Brzezinskin mukaan yhteysupseerien kaksoishatuttaminen osallistumaan
myös Irakin jälkihoitoa (Phase IV) koskevaan suunnitteluun
on hyvä ratkaisu. Yhdysvallat arvostaa Suomen valitsemaa toimintalinjaa."
Brzezinski tarkoittaa suomalaisia yhteysupseereja, jotka toimivat Yhdysvaltain
armeijan Lähi-idän operaatioita ja terrorismin vastaista taistelua
joihtavassa esikunnassa Tampassa, Floridassa. |
Sanomat Vieraskynä |
keskiviikko 2009-07-29.
Afganistaniin. Pääkirjoitus keskiviikkona 2009-07-29 klo 12:09. hs24. Pertti Manninen Suomi on taas ajopuuna joutunut sotaan, Afganistaniin. Hallituksen pääministeri on Matti Vanhanen, ulkoministeri Alexander Stubb ja Puolustusministeri Jyri Häkämies. Tasavallan presidentti on Tarja Halonen. Vanhanen ja Halonen ovat lomalla eivätkä lausu mitään. Nämä Naton juoksupojat Stubb ja Häkämies selittelevät. Suomen
pitää noudattaa omia lakejaan on sitten operaatioilla Naton
tai YK:n hyväksyntä. Tästähän tässä
viime kädessä on kysymys, vai onko aivan tarkoituksella ajauduttu
tähän tilanteeseen. Johtajat leikkivät siis suomalaisten
miesten hengillä ja sallivat ”vihollisten” tappamisen
niin kuin suomalaisten joukkojen komentaja asian ilmaisi. Suomen päättäjät olivat häpeällisesti hiljaa ja toivoivat, että keskustelua Suomen mukana olosta sodassa tai sodanosapuolena ei tarvitsisi käydä. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin tutkija Charly Salonius-Pasternak kuitenkin kirjoitti asiasta Helsingin Sanomissa (linkki) viime perjantaina 2009-07-24, siis seuraavana päivänä, jolloin vastaava Georg Gafronin Bildissä julkaistu saksalaiskirjoitus ilmestyi (hs24-2008-07-27). Tämän jälkeen ei enää voitu vaieta. Mandaatti Afganistaniin. Pääkirjoitus keskiviikkona 2009-07-29 klo 12:09. hs24. Pertti Manninen. Lue
myös mm. seuraavat satunnaisesti poimitut! hs24
torstaina 07.10.2004. Helsingin
Sanomat. Kotimaa. Vallan liikkeet. Mari Manninen lauantaina 07.05.2005. Extra!
hs24 maanantaina 09.01.2006. Aamulehti
Maanantai 28.elokuuta 2006. Etusivulla. Aamulehti.
Kotimaa. Maanantai 28.elokuuta 2006 UUSIMMAT: Bild Kommentar
von Georg Gafron: Helsingin
Sanomat Vieraskynä |
News World news Afghanistan 29
July 2009 Most recent The
defeat siren is sounding for Blair's vainglorious jihad in Afghanistan
28 Jul 2009: Simon Jenkins: The take-hold-and-build strategy is mere
pastiche imperialism. All wars end in talking, as must this US vendetta
in Afghanistan 210 comments |
Jyrki Katainen: "Afganistanin murheet ovat Suomen huolia". Keskisuomalainen keskiviikkona 2009-08-26. |
lehdet: Keskisuomalainen keskiviikkona 2009-08-26. TURKU
Ossi Rajala. "Afganistanin
murheet ovat Suomen huolia". Katainen varoittaa suruviestien riskin
kasvaneen. "Kokoomuksen puheenjohtajan Jyrki Kataisen mukaan Suomen on edelleen pysyttävä mukana Afganistanin operaatiossa, koska islamilainen tasavalta on edelleen sekasortoisessa tilassa. - Afganistanissa käydään tärkeätä kamppailua terrorismia vastaan. Olemme operaatiossa mukana omien turvallisuusintressien takia ja meillä on halua auttaa Afganistanin kansaa, hän totesi tiistaina kokoomuksen eduskuntaryhmän kokouksessa Turussa. - Katainen toivoo eduskunnan puivan operaatioita syksyllä. Hän ymmärtää, että riskien kasvaessa myös paineet maasta lähtemistä kohtaan kasvavat. - Niiden, jotka haluavat Suomen vetäytyvän pois, olisi syytä miettiä, haluavatko he koko kansainvälisen yhteisön lähtevän Afganistanista. Tähänkin kysymykseen on oltava valmis sanomaan kyllä, jos operaatiosta luovutaan. Kokoomusjohtaja totesi Isaf-joukkoja koskevien päätösten olevan jatkossakin vaikeita, Vaativan operaation vaarat ovat lisääntyneet, joten Katainen varoittaa mahdollisista uusista suruviesteistä. - Osallistumista operaatioon tullaan tarkastelemaan vuosittain. Riskit on tiedostettava, Suruviestien aiheutumista tietenkin vältetään, mutta niitä voi silti tulla. Olemme toistaiseksi olleet melko onnekkaita." "Jyrki Katainen puolusti suomalaisten rauhanturvaajien läsnäoloa Afganistanissa tiistaina Turussa. Mikko Stig/Lehtikuva. Keskisuomalainen keskiviikkona 2009-08-26. Kuva: Pertti Manninen tiistaina 2009-08-26. |
World news Afghanistan Change in Afghanistan must
come from within Editorial
The Observer, Sunday 30 August 2009 "It is clear that Karzai is neither capable of nor willing to change. The democratic process has run aground. The west faces the prospect of upholding a dubious regime for a narrow strategic reason – to prevent terrorism in the UK and the US and to stop al-Qaida setting up their terror camps again. The question now is whether this is necessary. If Nato troops leave Afghanistan, it may become easier for al-Qaida to operate there but, equally, the sense of grievance that attracts Afghans to the Taliban and Muslims to extremism elsewhere may be diminished. But for as long as our troops are in Afghanistan, British soldiers will be killed, making it an increasingly urgent political problem for Gordon Brown. The government finds itself nailed to the logic of a failed humanitarian intervention where it is hard to abandon what it promised to redeem." |
News World news US foreign policy US commander in Afghanistan proposes revamped strategy General Stanley McChrystal acknowledged drawbacks of the approach used for the past eight years Ewen MacAskill in Washington and Nicholas Watt guardian.co.uk, Monday 31 August 2009 19.53 BST The recommendations came as two further British soldiers were killed yesterday, compounding what is the deadliest year for foreign troops since the 2001 invasion. The deaths of the soldiers from The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland, took the total number of deaths of UK service personnel since operations began in 2001 to 210. The soldiers were killed in a blast while on patrol north of Lashkar Gah, in Helmand province, the Ministry of Defence said. Two American soldiers were also killed in an explosion, the US military said. ... McChrystal has already begun to implement the new strategy, ordering his forces not to fire or drop bombs if there is a risk of civilian casualties. |
Tiistai 2005-05-10.
Tiistai 2005-05-10. |
Etusivu. Sunnuntai 2006-08-20- |
World news Nato Another disastrous air strike that
Nato could have done without Killing of Afghan civilians
poses bigger danger to the international mission than insurgents who were
targeted Julian
Borger, diplomatic editor guardian.co.uk, Friday 4 September 2009 12.53
BST News World news Afghanistan The Afghan village devastated by Nato strike on Taliban Julian Borger and Jon Boone in Lashkar Gah guardian.co.uk, Friday 4 September 2009 23.46 BST The two fuel tankers would have looked out of place, stuck by a river bank outside a small Afghan village. Local people came out to take a look and help carry makeshift containers with siphoned fuel inside from the stricken vehicles.That is when the Nato missiles struck, wiping out much of the village of Omar Kheil, and doing critical damage to US and Nato hopes of making a fresh start in Afghanistan. Taliban militants had hijacked the two tankers on the main road out of Kunduz, in northern Afghanistan, and driven them to Omar Kheil, which is under their control, about 12 miles from the city. The hijacking, on Thursday night, was reported to the German Nato soldiers garrisoned nearby, who spotted the lorries this morning. At some point the German commander called in an air strike to deal with the problem. Estimates differ as to how many people were killed in the fireball, but they range from a few score to more than a hundred. Moeen Marastial, a member of parliament from Kunduz, said: "Local people are telling me 130 people have been killed despite all the promises of Nato to do fewer bombardments and reduce civilian casualties. There will be a reaction to this. It is a very bad day for international forces in Afghanistan." http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/04/afghan-village-devastated-nato-missiles Comment is free Gordon Brown and Afghanistan: The futility of being earnest Editorial The Guardian, Saturday 5 September 2009 Last year the Rand National Research Institute produced a revealing fact. A study of the 90 insurgencies that had taken place since 1945 found that it takes an average of 14 years to defeat insurgents once they are up and running. Gordon Brown has not got that long in Afghanistan. It is arguable whether any British prime minister or US president has got 14 more months of public support, given the rate at which it is haemorrhaging after two of the costliest months in British and US and Afghan lives; 50 British lives have been lost in the last four months alone. ... As in Iraq, the gap between public and private discourse among those running the war in Afghanistan appears to be growing. The undeclared US exit strategy looks like this: two more years spent maximising the military pressure on the Taliban, while everything is done to build up Afghan forces and cut deals with insurgents who agree to cut ties with al-Qaida; a loya jirga will be called to rewrite the constitution, which is a way of circumventing the claim that anyone who reconciles with Kabul will have to respect the constitution; and then the international effort will be scaled back from counter-insurgency into a counter-terrorist mission. It would be a way of withdrawing with the mission of restoring the Afghan state unaccomplished, but avoiding a Soviet-style humiliation. If this is what is in US minds, it would be as well for the process to start now rather than in two years' time. The Taliban, we are told, have to be negotiated with from a position of strength. But two more years of this disastrous fight could see them stronger still. And the strength British and US leaders need to show is the strength of mind involved in realising how many of their original ambitions were misplaced. |
News World news Afghanistan Special report Caught in the crossfire: the forgotten casualties of war in Afghanistan Some Afghans say foreign forces are as dangerous as Taliban Jon Boone in Lashkar Gah The Guardian, Monday 7 September 2009 The stooped and withdrawn 18-year-old breathed painfully as he relived the day last month when shrapnel from a missile ripped through his lung and bowels. It was 9am and he was out collecting fruit from his family's trees in a village so small it is not included on most maps of Helmand province. Although it was the day of the Afghan elections he, like everyone else in his neighbourhood, had no interest in voting in an area too insecure for polling stations to open. "I was just a few steps outside my front gate when about eight rockets landed," he says, sitting in a hospital in the provincial capital of Helmand, bandages around his chest. "I was hit and ran into the house where women and children were yelling because a rocket had also landed on one of the rooms." He is convinced that it was a rocket from "foreign forces" - something that the hospital cannot confirm, although they say the shrapnel was clearly from a rocket, possibly delivered from a helicopter. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/sep/06/forgotten-casualties-war-afghanistan |
Monday 7 September 2009
World news Afghanistan Rift widens between US and
Germany over botched Afghanistan air strike German foreign
minister calls attack 'necessary' as US commanders criticise ordering
mission that left 70 civilians dead Ewen
MacAskill in Washington Kate Connolly in Berlin guardian.co.uk, Monday
7 September 2009 19.09 BST A rift between the US and Germany over the conduct of the war in Afghanistan widened today as both countries sought to shift blame over a botched bombing raid that led to scores of civilians being killed.Berlin defended the raid as "militarily necessary" to protect German troops, even though it went against the express orders of the new US commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, to safeguard civilians. A human rights organisation, in the first independent assessment of the death toll, said 60-70 civilians had been killed. The raid was carried out by the US air force but McChrystal distanced himself from it, apologising to the Afghan government and saying he had not ordered it. The strike was called in by a senior German officer. The German government said the officer feared two hijacked oil tankers, stuck in a riverbed, were to be used for a suicide bombing of the German base at Kunduz, in the north of the country. While the
US has expressed most of its criticism in private, the Afghan president,
Hamid Karzai, did not hold back today, siding with the US in condemning
the German decision. "What an error of judgment! More than 90 dead
all because of a simple lorry that was, moreover, immobilised in a riverbed.
Why didn't they send in ground troops to recover the fuel tank? ...
General McChrystal telephoned me to apologise and to say that he himself
hadn't given the order to attack," Karzai said, in an interview
with the French newspaper Le Figaro. It was the deadliest military operation
Germany has been involved since the second world war. |
World news Afghanistan British soldier killed during
rescue of kidnapped journalist in Afghanistan Gordon Brown
pays tribute to courage of soldier killed in operation to free New York
Times reporter Stephen Farrell Declan
Walsh in Islamaband guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 9 September 2009 14.12 BST
A British soldier serving with the special forces support group has been
killed during a pre-dawn raid to free a British journalist being held
by the Taliban in northern Afghanistan, it was confirmed today. The reporter's
interpreter also died in the operation. Stephen Farrell, a New York Times
journalist, and his translator, Sultan Munadi, were captured last Saturday
as they reported on the aftermath of a Nato air strike in which at least
70 people were killed.
today, Farrell said he had been "extracted" after a helicopter
carrying British and Afghan soldiers swooped on a compound near the
northern city of Kunduz. "We were all in a room, the Talibs all
ran ... it was obviously a raid," the 46-year-old told his editors
in New York. The Kunduz governor's office confirmed that the raid had
been led by British special forces. Military officials told the Guardian
that the soldier who died was a member of the special forces support
group. The Ministry of Defence confirmed that a British soldier, believed
to be a paratrooper, was killed during the operation. Two Afghan civilians
were killed in the crossfire, the BBC reported. |
News World news
Afghanistan British journalist's rescuers left
dead Afghan behind Local reporters angry that commandos
whisked Stephen Farrell to safety and retrieved soldier's body but abandoned
'fixer' Declan
Walsh in Islamabad guardian.co.uk, Thursday 10 September 2009 17.39
BST Angry Afghan journalists have accused the British military of
double standards for leaving behind the body of translator Sultan Munadi
after rescuing the British journalist Stephen Farrell from the Taliban.
Munadi reportedly died in a hail of gunfire as British commandos carried
out a dramatic Wednesday night raid on a compound near the northern
city of Kunduz where the two New York Times journalists had been kidnapped
four days earlier. |
News World news The five ages of al-Qaida From low-key beginnings in the late 1980s to a worldwide ideology that has inspired countless terrorist attacks, the idea of al-Qaida has passed passed through five distinct phases. Jason Burke and Paddy Allen guardian.co.uk, Friday 11 September 2009 07.43 BST |
is free For the last fortnight,
two groups of hundreds of activists have been battling with Egyptian
police and officials to cross into the Gaza Strip to show solidarity
with the blockaded population on the first anniversary of Israel's
devastating onslaught. Last night, George Galloway's Viva Palestina
500-strong convoy of medical aid was finally allowed in, minus 50
of its 200 vehicles, after being repeatedly blocked, diverted and
intimidated by Egyptian security – including a violent assault
in the Egyptian port of El Arish on Tuesday night which left dozens
injured, despite the participation of one British and 10 Turkish MPs. Greater western military intervention in both countries will certainly make the problem worse. In Somalia, it has already done so, after the US-backed Ethiopian invasion of 2006 overthrew the relatively pragmatic Islamic Courts Union and spawned the more extreme, al-Qaida-linked Shabab movement, now in control of large parts of the country. Increased US backing for the unpopular Yemeni government, already facing armed rebellion in the north and the threat of secession from the restive south – which only finally succeeded in forcing out British colonial rule in 1967 – is bound to throw petrol on the flames. The British prime minister tried this week to claim that the growth of al-Qaida in Yemen and Somalia showed western strategy was "working", because the escalation of the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan had forced it to look for sanctuaries elsewhere. In reality, it is a measure of the grotesque failure of the entire war on terror. Since its launch in October 2001, al-Qaida has spread from the mountains of Afghanistan across the region, to Iraq, Pakistan, the horn of Africa, and far beyond. Instead of scaling
down the western support for dictatorship and occupation that fuels
al-Qaida-style terror, and concentrating resources on police action
to counter it, the US and its allies have been drawn inexorably into
repeating and extending the monstrosities that sparked it in the first
place. It's the recipe for a war on terror without end. |
mainos! zed plus Pensselisedän Niilin hanhet nyt myös soittarina! |
Hamid Karzai condemns killing of 10 civilians in fighting in Afghanistan
– blogi Kaiken keskellä aina läsnä! Keskiviikko 2009-12-16 klo 00:06. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suomen Afganistan-joukot auttavat osaltaan USA:n hyökkäystä Iraniin Suomen Afganistan-joukot auttavat osaltaan USA:n hyökkäystä Iraniin. USA lisää joukkojaan Afganistaniin lähes kolmanneksella 130 000:een tai jotakin. Siellähän ne ovat lähellä Irania, jos sinne kohta hyökätään. Kai Suomi vetää joukkonsa pois tällaisessa rähinätilanteessa vai auttaako se olemassaolollaan USA:n sotaponnistuksia? Tänään kuulimme, että suomalaisia nuoria miehiä on runsain joukoin ilmoittautumassa Afganistaniin. Nuorten työttömyys on hurjissa lukemissa ja tällainen ”epäsuora” pakottaminen puree. Kovin paljon se jo muistuttaa sitä, kun USA:n nuorten on pystyäkseen opiskelemaan yliopistoissa, kirjouttauduttava armeijaan, jolloin opiskelu on ilmaista, mutta sisältää myös mahdollisen lähtökäskyn sotatantereille. hs24 julkaisi aikoinaan kuvan ja tekstin: http://www.nettisanomat.com/2005/05/10/kuvaetusivu.htm Ja tänään uutta: Helsingin Sanomat. Kotimaa. Mari Manninen lauantaina 07.05.2005: ”Ylpeä suomalainen ottaa arkun vastaan.” Linkit: ”Kansallismaisema
vuonna 2010?” - NATO.
Vauhti-viikko. ”Ylpeä
suomalainen ottaa arkun vastaan.” Siis: Mukana olo Afganistanissa avittaa USA:n Iraniin hyökkäystä, jota kukaan tappamista vastustava ei tietenkään toivo tapahtuvan tai sitä, että USA antaisi Israelille luvan käyttää ydinaseita Iranin ydinvoimaloiden tuhoamiseen. Rauhanpalkinto velvoittaa sotaan ja sitten rauhaan, vai kuinka se nyt meni? Viikkosanomat. Ulkomaat ja Suomi. Pertti Manninen. Keskiviikko 2009-12-16 klo 00:06. Linkkejä klo 00:34 Iran
will not bow to sanctions http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/dec/15/iran-nuclear-technology Two
British soldiers killed in suicide bombing in Helmand province http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/dec/15/british-soldiers-killed-helmand-province |
UK news Military The intensity of the
conflict in Helmand and its close-combat fighting, roadside devices and
the noise of low-flying coalition aircraft caused the problems, according
to the Ministry of Defence study. The report, dated 7 December and written
by military consultant surgeon Chris Pearson, warns that the known scale
of the problem might prove to be the "tip of the iceberg" because
only the most severe forms of hearing loss, grave enough to bar troops
from frontline service, are officially reported. Professor Mark Haggard,
honorary vice-president of Deafness Research UK, which is working with
the MoD to resolve the problem, said: "The issue has become systemic,
endemic. Combat gunfire and explosions mean significant numbers are turning
up with significant hearing problems." |
UK news Military 100th British soldier killed in Afghanistan this year A soldier from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment was killed today in Helmand, taking the number of British fatalities this year to 100 Staff and agencies guardian.co.uk, Monday 7 December 2009 18.39 GMT British troops in Helmand province. Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA A soldier from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment was killed today in central Helmand province, the Ministry of Defence said. The latest death, as a result of small arms fire in the Nad-e Ali area, takes the total number of British fatalities in Afghanistan this year to 100. Next of kin have been informed. The prime minister Gordon Brown said his thoughts were with the families and friends of all the 100 British personnel who have died this year. He said: "Today we mourn together the 100th British fatality in Afghanistan in 2009. "My thoughts, and the entire nation's, are with the families and friends of every one of those brave men who have died this year; indeed, with every one of our service personnel who have lost their lives serving our country in Afghanistan since 2001. "Every
loss in Afghanistan is a real and personal tragedy. "I thank all
our brave men and women for their commitment and courage. "We will
never forget those who have died fighting for our country and we must
also honour their memory. That means staying the course, doing what is
right for Britain, and seeing this mission through." |
Maanantai 2010-02-15 - N:o 1103 -
Afganistan. kirjoituksia. - Afghanistan, Guardian. Vastaava päätoimittaja Pertti Manninen. Yhteys: nettisanomat @hotmail.com - Sivu 2010-02-15, nettiin 2010-02-15, linkkejä 2010-02-15. Blogi: Viikkosanomat.fi - Kuvasanomat - Sanomatori |
hs24.fi - 2010/02/15- Afganistan. Kirjoituksia Suomesta ja maailmalta. Afghanistan, Guardian. - - Terror is the price of support for despots and dictators - - - Suomen Afganistan-joukot auttavat USA:n hyökkäystä Iraniin - - hs24 maanantai 15.02.2010 - etusivu - kuva - kuvat - pertti manninen - Luettelo - hs24 - 12.fi - Lakisanomat - N:o 1103. |
2012-05-11: Sivustolta on poistettu Keski-Suomen käräjäoikeuden 24.1.2012 antaman kunnianloukkausta koskevan tuomion 12/230 R11/268 johdosta tuomiossa mainittujen henkilöiden asianomaistiedot rikoksentekoajalta 6.5.2007 - 18.1.2012. Tuomio luettavissa osoitteessa: http://www.n3.fi/tuomiot/keskisuomiko20120124/etusivu.htm |