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Edellinen - Seuraava - hs24 torstai 2010-01-07 - N:o 1095 - Kaiken keskellä aina läsnä - Maailman luetuin suomalainen hs24 - Sanomisen ja julkaisemisen vapautta vuodesta 1999 - Vastaava päätoimittaja Pertti Manninen - Uusin!


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Ilta-Sanomat: Viihde: Jo viikko koomassa.

Ilta-Sanomat: Viihde: Jo viikko koomassa. (Torstai 2010-01-07).

Ilta-Sanomat kertoo taiteilija Juhani Palmun sairastuneen legioonalaistautiin. Kuva Pertti Manninen torstaina 2010-01-07 klo 13:00.

Terror is the price of support for despots and dictators Guardian
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Terror is the price of support for despots and dictators

Egypt's complicity in Gaza's siege underlines the role of western support for such regimes in the spread of war
Seumas Milne The Guardian, Thursday 7 January 2010

If an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor had gone on hunger strike in support of a besieged people in another part of the world, and hundreds of mostly western protesters had been stoned and beaten by police, you can be sure we'd have heard all about it. But because that is what's been happening in western-backed Egypt, rather than Iran, and the people the protesters are supporting are the Palestinians of Gaza instead of, say, Tibetans, most people in Europe and north America know nothing about it.

For the last fortnight, two groups of hundreds of activists have been battling with Egyptian police and officials to cross into the Gaza Strip to show solidarity with the blockaded population on the first anniversary of Israel's devastating onslaught. Last night, George Galloway's Viva Palestina 500-strong convoy of medical aid was finally allowed in, minus 50 of its 200 vehicles, after being repeatedly blocked, diverted and intimidated by Egyptian security – including a violent assault in the Egyptian port of El Arish on Tuesday night which left dozens injured, despite the participation of one British and 10 Turkish MPs.

The poisonous logic of this imperial quagmire is now leading inexorably to the spread of war under Barack Obama. Following the failed bomb attack of a Detroit-bound flight on Christmas Day, the US president this week announced two new fronts in the war on terror, faithfully echoed by Gordon Brown: Yemen, where the would-be bomber was allegedly trained; and Somalia, where al-Qaida has also put down roots in the swamp of chronic civil war and social disintegration.

Greater western military intervention in both countries will certainly make the problem worse. In Somalia, it has already done so, after the US-backed Ethiopian invasion of 2006 overthrew the relatively pragmatic Islamic Courts Union and spawned the more extreme, al-Qaida-linked Shabab movement, now in control of large parts of the country. Increased US backing for the unpopular Yemeni government, already facing armed rebellion in the north and the threat of secession from the restive south – which only finally succeeded in forcing out British colonial rule in 1967 – is bound to throw petrol on the flames.

The British prime minister tried this week to claim that the growth of al-Qaida in Yemen and Somalia showed western strategy was "working", because the escalation of the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan had forced it to look for sanctuaries elsewhere. In reality, it is a measure of the grotesque failure of the entire war on terror. Since its launch in October 2001, al-Qaida has spread from the mountains of Afghanistan across the region, to Iraq, Pakistan, the horn of Africa, and far beyond.

Instead of scaling down the western support for dictatorship and occupation that fuels al-Qaida-style terror, and concentrating resources on police action to counter it, the US and its allies have been drawn inexorably into repeating and extending the monstrosities that sparked it in the first place. It's the recipe for a war on terror without end.

Seumas Milne The Guardian, Thursday 7 January 2010


Huomaa mainos!
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Pensselisedän Niilin hanhet nyt myös soittarina!

hs24. Torstai 2010-01-07 - N:o 1095 - Ilta-Sanomat: Viihde: Jo viikko koomassa. - Ilta-Sanomat kertoo taiteilija Juhani Palmun sairastuneen legioonalaistautiin. - Terror is the price of support for despots and dictators. Egypt's complicity in Gaza's siege underlines the role of western support for such regimes in the spread of war- Seumas Milne The Guardian, Thursday 7 January 2010

Vastaava päätoimittaja Pertti Manninen. Yhteys: nettisanomat @hotmail.com - Sivu 2010-01-07 ja 2010-01-09, nettiin 2010-01-09, linkkejä 2010-01-09.
Blogi: Viikkosanomat.fi - Kuvasanomat - Sanomatori  
hs24.fi - 2010/01/07 - Ilta-Sanomat: Viihde: Jo viikko koomassa - Terror is the price of support for despots and dictators - Ilta-Sanomat kertoo taiteilija Juhani Palmun sairastuneen legioonalaistautiin - Egypt's complicity in Gaza's siege underlines the role of western support for such regimes in the spread of war - Seumas Milne The Guardian -  - hs24 torstai 07.01.2010 - etusivu - kuva - kuvat - pertti manninen - Luettelo - hs24 - 12.fi - Lakisanomat - N:o 1095.

Sivun alkuun!

Sanomanetti-sivujen alkuosat alkuperäiset numeroinnit säilyttäen nettiin lauantaina 2011-06-04 klo 11:53. - Täydennys 2011-08-10.


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